Letter From BCM CEO Greg Cole

Dear Friends,
It’s a privilege to communicate with you as President and CEO of BCM Georgia. Our mission is critical to me. In my former role as the executive director of a place-based ministry, I had the honor of witnessing the role that “home” plays in so many people’s lives.
Too often, when we think of homelessness, we think of it first and foremost as a material condition: as a lack of shelter, amenities, or status. But a home is so much more than a structure or convenience—it’s a place where we care for ourselves and others, where we connect with neighbors and our community; it also has a major influence on our ability to access opportunity, both economic and otherwise.
Over the last few months, I’ve been so inspired to witness the passion and capability of our team. In the last several years we’ve managed to expand our service radius and narrow our focus to provide more meaningful support to a wider range of people; we updated our branding to reflect shifts in programming and operations, all while dealing with the aftershocks of a global pandemic as well as a host of other changes.
And there’s more on the way. In the coming months, I’m excited to share some big news that will allow us to serve even more individuals and families in Atlanta and across Georgia. But first, I want to take this opportunity to connect with each of you. None of what we do would be possible without you, and until I have a chance to tell you so in person, I want you to know how very grateful I am to be a part of your community.
Greg Cole
President & CEO, BCM Georgia

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