Eligibility Criteria for Rent, Mortgage, or Utility Assistance
Currently, BCM Georgia is accepting online applications for financial assistance for all of Georgia residents. If unable to sign up for a financial appointment, contact United Way 2-1-1 and request an updated list of agencies that may be able to assist.
To be considered to receive financial assistance for rent, mortgage, or utilities, an application must be completed, submitted, and a BCM Georgia representative must determine eligibility.
Household Eligibility Criteria
A household is eligible to receive financial assistance once a year and two times in five years and:
- Must have a current signed lease or mortgage in your name AND lived at the address AND paid 3 full months of rent or mortgage.
- Must have an emergency.
- Must be employed OR have been employed within the past 12 months.
- Must have proof of employment.
- Must have proof of emergency.
Required Application Documents
Please collect the following documents. These documents will be uploaded/attached to a designated area on the application.
The applicant must attach:
- A current photo ID for all adult household members
- Current proof of residency (a signed lease, mortgage statement) Must be in applicant’s name
- If leasing from a private landlord, the lease must be signed by the property owner. If not, your appointment will be canceled.
- Recent utility bill (gas, electric or water) Must be in applicant’s name
- Current proof of income (all that apply):
- Separation letter for a job loss
- Wage Report from Department of Labor
- Current Check stubs (at least 3 to 4 check stubs)
- Copy of Bank statement
- If self-employed or paid cash:
- Submit one of the following tax documentation:
- 1099 Form
- W-2
- Income Tax Returns
- AND submit one of the following business documentation:
- Receipt Book
- Bank Statement
- Canceled Checks
- Invoices for services rendered
- Documentation the clarifies the emergency. For example:
- Pay stubs that indicate a decrease in hours and pay by $100
- Separation Notice from employer
- Bank Statement that shows direct deposits
- Medical expenses, receipts that indicate PAID for medical expenses
- Natural disasters, pandemics, house fire, etc.
- If leasing from a private landlord, the lease must be signed by the property owner. If not, your appointment will be canceled.
Submitting Your Application
- Review and ensure you meet the Eligibility Criteria for a financial appointment.
BCM Georgia does not make portal rental or mortgage payments. Before BCM Georgia releases funds, you must have proof of paying the balance. Payment arrangements with the landlord or mortgage company must be in writing and verified by the BCM Georgia case manager.
- Ensure you have all the Required Application Documents ready to upload/attach to the application.
- Please note that more than one person can select the same appointment. The first one to complete the form will be able to submit for that appointment, while the other’s submission will fail. Return to the calendar to choose another available appointment.
- Select a date and time from the Calendar below. Sometimes there will be no available time slots; please check back often as new appointment times are added regularly.
- Complete the application and upload/attach the Required Application Documents.
- Review the terms and conditions.
- Click submit. You will receive an email at the address provided in the application, Stating Pending, meaning your application has been received but not reviewed.
Check your spam folder if you do not receive a notification in your inbox!
- A BCM Georgia Representative will review your application, and you will receive one of the following emails (Confirmed, Additional Information Needed, or Canceled) from a BCM Georgia representative, usually within 24 hours of your appointment. Applications received on Fridays are reviewed on Mondays.
Check your spam folder if you do not receive a notification in your inbox!
CONFIRM– You are eligible for a virtual appointment with a case manager to be screened for a financial appointment. A BCM case manager will call you to discuss your financial assistance needs at the appointment time you selected when you submitted your application. Financial assistance is not guaranteed.
All confirmed financial assistance appointments are virtual. Case Managers are unavailable at the BCM office. Please don’t visit the main office; no case manager is there to help you.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUEST- A BCM Georgia representative may email you requesting additional information before confirming your appointment. Failure to return additional information as requested or if the information is unacceptable will cancel your appointment, and you must reapply.
CANCELED– You are not eligible for financial assistance. You will be emailed that your appointment is canceled.
Check your spam folder if you do not receive a notification in your inbox!
Frequently asked questions
What happens if I can’t meet the pledge requirements?
Your pledge will not be approved, and you will have to make another appointment.
In our efforts to serve as many people as possible with financial assistance, we ask that after three attempts to schedule a financial appointment and you cannot meet the requirement for any reason, you do not attempt to schedule another appointment until six months after your last attempt. Failure to abide by this policy will result in canceling your appointment. Your application will be noted as not eligible for a financial assistance appointment for six months due to three attempts to schedule a financial assistance appointment with the inability to meet the requirements.
I have visited the website several times, and no appointments are available. What should I do?
If there are no appointments available, please visit United Way 211 and request a list of other agencies that may be able to help.
I can’t get an online appointment. When should I go to the BCM Georgia office for assistance?
Case Managers are unavailable at the BCM office. Please don’t visit the main office; no case manager is there to help you.
Question: I received an email from BCM that says my appointment is pending. What does that mean?
Pending- The application has been received but has yet to be reviewed.
Confirmed- Your application has been deemed eligible, and you will discuss your financial need with a case manager virtually (Financial Assistance is not guaranteed).
Additional Documentation/Information Requested- The case manager will determine if other documentation or information is required to confirm your eligibility. Please submit documents or information promptly as requested to avoid cancellation.
Canceled- You are not eligible for financial assistance.
Today is Monday, and I have an appointment scheduled for Friday. I am still waiting to receive a call from BCM. What should I do?
You will receive an email from a BCM Georgia representative, usually within 24 hours of your appointment, either confirming, requesting additional information, or canceling your appointment.
Check your spam folder if you do not receive a notification in your inbox!