Our mission is funded by generous donors
Ways To Give
Donate On-Line

Donate by Check

If you would like to donate by mail, please make checks out to:
BCM Georgia
2847 Piedmont Road, NE
Atlanta, GA 30305
Please let us know if this is a tribute and who you would like us to notify of your gift.
Stock Donation

By contributing stock, you avoid paying capital gains tax on the increased value of the stock and receive an income tax deduction.
To Donate Stock:
Please contact: Rodney Beasley
Email: rodney.beasley@jpmorgan.com
Phone: (404) 842 –4183
DTC Clearing Number: 0352
Account Name: Buckhead Christian Ministry
Account Number: 05047120
Leave a Legacy

Through BCM Georgia’s Legacy Society, you can ensure that your generosity extends far past your reach today. You may choose to include BCM Georgia in your estate plan in any of the following forms:
- Retirement Plan beneficiary
- Changing IRA beneficiaries
- Charitable Remainder Unitrusts & Annuity Trusts
- Charitable lead trusts
- Indicating a direct bequeath
- Bequests in wills or codicils
- Gifts of retirement plan assets
- Gifts of appreciated assets, including stocks or real estate
Any amount is a welcome contribution to the perpetual ministry of BCM Georgia. Please consult your financial advisor to learn more.
Please email BCMLegacySociety@bcmgeorgia.org for further inquiry.