Homelessness on the Rise

According to tallies by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the U.S. saw an 18% rise in homelessness in 2024. This is an alarming spike following the 12% rise in 2023.
Within these figures, there is the 40% rise in family homelessness, which does not include data on individuals and families who are forced to stay with friends or relatives because they’re unable to afford housing.
For Metro Atlanta, homelessness rose 7% in 2024, with a similar rise in family homelessness to the national average.
Taking Action to Prevent Homelessness is Key
The growth in housing insecurity shows that as a community we can’t afford to wait for the results to get better on their own. Families are losing homes, possessions, job security, and consistency for their children in schools due to housing insecurity.
BCM is working on the ground, serving community members who face housing crisis. Direct support and programs that give households the financial tools to build structure and a foundation are critical.
At BCM Georgia, we’re currently on track to help nearly 1,100 families in 2025. One client shared that I had lost my job and was struggling to pay some of my bills. I felt alone in the process and BCM helped to provide rent assistance. I am now pursuing a new career in aviation. Thank you for your support.
Many thanks to every one of you who helps make that impact possible.

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